Computer|| Generation of computer|| basic of computer.
HI Guys today we are taking about Computer and Generation of computer. You people wants learn about Generation of computer and basic of computer.Then your are at right page.
Today here we talk about Generation of computer and basic of computer in our article. I hope this article helps you to increase your knowledge.So by this "Computer|| Generation of computer|| basic of computer" article you can easily understand about the Generation of computer and basic of computer.
Computer|| Generation of computer|| basic of computer
Here we talk about the basic concept of computer. What is computer? Actually.
so let start
:- Computer is an electronic machine which is used to store the data then process the data and produce the requirement output.
Now we discuss about the Generation of computer
1:- First generation of computer (Electronic valves *1942-1955* )
2:- Second generation of computer ( Transistors *1962-1965* )
3:- Third generation of computer ( Integrated unit *1965-1975*)
4:- Fourth generation of computer ( Microprocessor *1975-present day* )
5:- Fifth generation of computer ( Large scale integrated system *coming soon* )
1:- First generation of computer:- J.P eckert and J.W developed the first electronic computer known as UNIVAC in 1951. General feature of these computers were:-
1:- Vaccum tube were used in computer.
2:- Punch card were used to feed the information and for the output punched cards and papers were used.
3:- For external storage magnetic taps were used.
4:- Assembly language and machine language were developed.
5:- The other computer which comes into this category are NIVAC , EDVAC , UNIVAC , UNIVAC-1 , IBM 650 etc.
2:- Second generation of computer:- Second generation of computer were introduced between 1962 to 1965.
General feature of these computer were:-
1:- The computer were based up transistors (Transfer resistor) technology which replace the vaccum tubes.
2:- Punch cards and the magnetic tabs were used to input the data.
3:- Output were taken on the punched cards and papers.
4:- For external storage magnetic core storage i.e magnetic tabs was used.
5;- FOR-TAN, COBOL, BASIC high level language were developed.
FORTAN :- Formula translation language.
COBOL :- Common business oriented language.
BASIC :- Beginners all purpose symbol instruction code.
3:- Third generation of computer:- Third generation of computer include signification advances in machines hardware.
General features of these computer were:-
1:- The transistor were replaced with integrate circuit (ICs) or chip.
2:- These include special operating system which provided capabilities for automatic proceeding from one job to the next with human intervention and for multi-programming.
3:- With the help of operating system , it was made possible for a machine to perform several jobs concurrent.
4:- Instead of punch cards , Keyboard and monitor were used to input and output the data.
5:- Magnetic tabs was replaced by magnetic disk for external storage data.
6:- Report programming generation and PASCAL high level language were developed.
Example :- IBM-360, 370, ICL-1900.
IBM stands for International business machines
4:- Fourth generation of computer:- These computer were based upon the development of large scale Integration (LSI) and very large scale integration (VLSI).
General feature of these computer were:-
1:- Modification of input and output device.
2:- Introduction of micro-computer the help of efficiency of circuits.
3:- Magnetic disk became popular for external storage.
4:- Special software were used to manage large data base.
5:- Another computer in this generation were INTEL 4004, Apple series 1 and 11, Spectrum 7.
5:- Fifth generation of computer:- The fifth generation computer using magnetic bubble memories and other result development are on the way. These computer are supposed to have thinking power i.e, they will have thinking power i.e. they will have artificial intelligent.
These computer will be based on advance in silicon technology . In contrast to present DIOS/LIPS/Data logical information processing system, the fifth h=generation computer will have VIPS.
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Most important terms in computer||Boots||Booting process.
HI Guys today we are taking about Computer and Generation of computer. You people wants learn about Generation of computer and basic of computer.Then your are at right page.
Today here we talk about Generation of computer and basic of computer in our article. I hope this article helps you to increase your knowledge.So by this "Computer|| Generation of computer|| basic of computer" article you can easily understand about the Generation of computer and basic of computer.
Computer|| Generation of computer|| basic of computer
Here we talk about the basic concept of computer. What is computer? Actually.
so let start
:- Computer is an electronic machine which is used to store the data then process the data and produce the requirement output.
Now we discuss about the Generation of computer
1:- First generation of computer (Electronic valves *1942-1955* )
2:- Second generation of computer ( Transistors *1962-1965* )
3:- Third generation of computer ( Integrated unit *1965-1975*)
4:- Fourth generation of computer ( Microprocessor *1975-present day* )
5:- Fifth generation of computer ( Large scale integrated system *coming soon* )
1:- First generation of computer:- J.P eckert and J.W developed the first electronic computer known as UNIVAC in 1951. General feature of these computers were:-
1:- Vaccum tube were used in computer.
2:- Punch card were used to feed the information and for the output punched cards and papers were used.
3:- For external storage magnetic taps were used.
4:- Assembly language and machine language were developed.
5:- The other computer which comes into this category are NIVAC , EDVAC , UNIVAC , UNIVAC-1 , IBM 650 etc.
2:- Second generation of computer:- Second generation of computer were introduced between 1962 to 1965.
General feature of these computer were:-
1:- The computer were based up transistors (Transfer resistor) technology which replace the vaccum tubes.
2:- Punch cards and the magnetic tabs were used to input the data.
3:- Output were taken on the punched cards and papers.
4:- For external storage magnetic core storage i.e magnetic tabs was used.
5;- FOR-TAN, COBOL, BASIC high level language were developed.
FORTAN :- Formula translation language.
COBOL :- Common business oriented language.
BASIC :- Beginners all purpose symbol instruction code.
3:- Third generation of computer:- Third generation of computer include signification advances in machines hardware.
General features of these computer were:-
1:- The transistor were replaced with integrate circuit (ICs) or chip.
2:- These include special operating system which provided capabilities for automatic proceeding from one job to the next with human intervention and for multi-programming.
3:- With the help of operating system , it was made possible for a machine to perform several jobs concurrent.
4:- Instead of punch cards , Keyboard and monitor were used to input and output the data.
5:- Magnetic tabs was replaced by magnetic disk for external storage data.
6:- Report programming generation and PASCAL high level language were developed.
Example :- IBM-360, 370, ICL-1900.
IBM stands for International business machines
4:- Fourth generation of computer:- These computer were based upon the development of large scale Integration (LSI) and very large scale integration (VLSI).
General feature of these computer were:-
1:- Modification of input and output device.
2:- Introduction of micro-computer the help of efficiency of circuits.
3:- Magnetic disk became popular for external storage.
4:- Special software were used to manage large data base.
5:- Another computer in this generation were INTEL 4004, Apple series 1 and 11, Spectrum 7.
5:- Fifth generation of computer:- The fifth generation computer using magnetic bubble memories and other result development are on the way. These computer are supposed to have thinking power i.e, they will have thinking power i.e. they will have artificial intelligent.
These computer will be based on advance in silicon technology . In contrast to present DIOS/LIPS/Data logical information processing system, the fifth h=generation computer will have VIPS.
learn more:-
Most important terms in computer||Boots||Booting process.