Hi Guys today I am going to start sharing some information about computer hardware and You are looking for computer hardware and want to learn about computer hardware . Then you are at the right page.

Today here we learn and increase the knowledge about computer hardware for you guys. So that by this computer hardware article you can easily understand about computer hardware.


Diagram of Internal structure of computer||computer hardware :-

Input unit  ⇒ Processing ⇒ Output unit
                           Extra information

Now Suppose you are given a question to solve you start you start to reading on the question this is your input stage, your eyes are the input device, your brain works on the question this is the process stage to solve question, you may want to get for the information from books, internet etc. After finding out the solution you write with a pen on paper. Pen an paper are the output device. Computer hardware also follow a similar process.
on the basic of internal structure a computer hardware can be divided into three main parts.

1 Input unit
2 Central processing unit
3 output unit
Input unit  ⇒ Central processing unit ⇒ Output unit
                                        Main memory

1:- Input unit:- Through input we feed data into the computer. keyboard is the main input device which resemble a type writer as we press any key on the keyboard a flash circulate moves away.

2:- C.P.U(Central processing unit) :- In computer hardware,The heart of any computer is the central processing unit. It is this central processor that makes comparison perform calculation reads and control the execution of the instruction. It consist of following unit.
1:- Control unit (C.U)
2:- Arithmetic logical unit(A.L.U)
3:- Memory unit(M.U)

1:- Control unit (C.U):- The control unit as the main employs surprise the operation by of the entire computer. It instruct the input device when to start and stop transferring data to storage unit and it tells the storage unit when to start an stop transferring data to output devices. C.U unit sends data and information from an input device to the memory of the computer.

2:- Arithmetic logical unit(A.L.U):-  It stands for Arithmetic logical unit. It is used to perform all arithmetic operations like addition,Subtraction,Multiplication,Divide that is arithmetic calculation like 5*2,6-1,4+2, all are perform by A.L.U of the computer hardware . It also takes logical decision that is comparison less than, greater than, equal to. Decision like is 7<2,4>1 etc are called logical decision because the answer to these problem is true or false.

3:- Memory unit:- It is the most important parts of the computer hardware. This units stores the data calculation and result into it and in case of need it send the data in the form of output. Memory unit transfer the data into A.L.U.
                C.U ⬌   S        
                              T     ⬅   Input unit
             A.L.U  ⬌ R
              M.U        G      
                              E     Output unit

 3:- Output unit:- The function of output unit is reverse nature as that of input unit. Impact unit is used to feed the data into the computer and output unit take out the data from the computer.

Some output device are as follows:-

Monitor , Magnetic tabs, floppy disk , printer



Computer hardware helps the computer to fast processing. With the help of computer hardware we can perform any operation in the computer and store data into the computer. Computer hardware is most important part of  the computer system.