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Welcome to the Computer world. Computer world helps all of you to improve your knowledge and understanding about Computer world. Computer world is all about the Computer. All the article in the computer world is about Computer science.
Today we are taking about Micro-processor in computer (Computer world). You people wants learn about Micro-processor .Then your are at right page.
Today here we talk about Micro-processor in our article. I hope this article helps you to increase your knowledge.So by this "Micro-processor " article you can easily understand about the Micro-processor.
Micro-processor in computer ( Computer World)
A Micro-processor is an electronic circuit that is fabricated on a single chip it is the hard of all the computer the instruction given in a carried out by the processing unit of computer. Processor are designed to interpret a set of instruction code for the processor so we can say that a Micro-processor is Multi-purpose programmable device that reads binary instruction from a storage device called memory. It accept binary data from a storage device called memory. It accept binary data from the input unit and process data according to those instruction and provide result as output.
In short word we can say that a processor which is also known as C.P.U and it work with memory out the processing so it is the C.P.U which is known as brain of the computer to convert raw data and instruction. The main component of C.P.U are:-
1:- Control unit (C.U)
2:- Arithmetic logic unit (A.L.U)
3:- Registers
1:- Control unit (C.U):- Control unit is the master of the computer system because it coordinate all the system operation. It guides the rooting of data between memory and A.L.U and governs all the internal operation of C.P.U it received the instruction from memory and execute the information them after decoding. Timing and control signal are generative by the circuit and sent to other circuit for execution of any program.
Program is a set of instruction and to run a program C.P.u fetches the instruction from the memory after decoding the instruction the control unit send signal to the appropriate component of the system ordering them to perform required data processing operations.
C.U performs the two basic function.
1:- It fetch the instruction and determine the operation required for its execuation.
2:- It unable the C.P.U to execute the various operation required for excuation of instruction in a proper sequence.
C (Device) Nvnova 2 In1 Hair Straightener/Curler, Dryer (1000W, 1290/658, Multicolour)
2:- Arithmetic logic unit (A.L.U):- A.L.U is responsible for performing arthemitc and logical operation such as comparision,addition,subtraction etc.It has neccessary electronic circuitry to perform binary additiin and shift operation for example:- Multiplication can be replace by replace by repeat addition,subtraction by adding compliement and division by repeat subtraction etc.
3:- Registers:- A register is a group of flipflops where each flipflops is capaba;e os sorting onne bit of infromation. The flipflops is nothing but a electronic circuit which is capable of storing one-bit(either 0 or 1). A register is required in control unit for storing the instruction code after it is read from the memoery. Register can be 32bits etc. Some of the commonly used register are discuss below:-
1:- Data register(DR):- It hold the operans all which an operation is to take place.
2:-`Memory address register(MAR):- It hold memory address during a complete run.
3:- The Acculmutes:- It is main register in A.L.U to be performed in A.L.U. This registre participate in almost all arthimatic and logical operation that are excuative by the computer.It is the main.
4:- Instruction register:- This instruction registre read instruction from memeory is placed in the instruction register.
5:- Temporary register:- It holds tempporary data.
6:- Programmer counter:- It sends to the memory address of the next instructor be fetch and execution.
7:- The input register:- It stores the input character recive from an input device because the input data enters the computer through these register.
8:- The output register:- It holds a character from an output device.
9:- Clock:- It is a device that generate electronic pulses operation taking place in the computer.
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Computer|| Generation of computer|| basic of computer
Welcome to the Computer world. Computer world helps all of you to improve your knowledge and understanding about Computer world. Computer world is all about the Computer. All the article in the computer world is about Computer science.
Today we are taking about Micro-processor in computer (Computer world). You people wants learn about Micro-processor .Then your are at right page.
Today here we talk about Micro-processor in our article. I hope this article helps you to increase your knowledge.So by this "Micro-processor " article you can easily understand about the Micro-processor.
Micro-processor in computer ( Computer World)
A Micro-processor is an electronic circuit that is fabricated on a single chip it is the hard of all the computer the instruction given in a carried out by the processing unit of computer. Processor are designed to interpret a set of instruction code for the processor so we can say that a Micro-processor is Multi-purpose programmable device that reads binary instruction from a storage device called memory. It accept binary data from a storage device called memory. It accept binary data from the input unit and process data according to those instruction and provide result as output.
In short word we can say that a processor which is also known as C.P.U and it work with memory out the processing so it is the C.P.U which is known as brain of the computer to convert raw data and instruction. The main component of C.P.U are:-
1:- Control unit (C.U)
2:- Arithmetic logic unit (A.L.U)
3:- Registers
1:- Control unit (C.U):- Control unit is the master of the computer system because it coordinate all the system operation. It guides the rooting of data between memory and A.L.U and governs all the internal operation of C.P.U it received the instruction from memory and execute the information them after decoding. Timing and control signal are generative by the circuit and sent to other circuit for execution of any program.
Program is a set of instruction and to run a program C.P.u fetches the instruction from the memory after decoding the instruction the control unit send signal to the appropriate component of the system ordering them to perform required data processing operations.
C.U performs the two basic function.
1:- It fetch the instruction and determine the operation required for its execuation.
2:- It unable the C.P.U to execute the various operation required for excuation of instruction in a proper sequence.
C (Device) Nvnova 2 In1 Hair Straightener/Curler, Dryer (1000W, 1290/658, Multicolour)
2:- Arithmetic logic unit (A.L.U):- A.L.U is responsible for performing arthemitc and logical operation such as comparision,addition,subtraction etc.It has neccessary electronic circuitry to perform binary additiin and shift operation for example:- Multiplication can be replace by replace by repeat addition,subtraction by adding compliement and division by repeat subtraction etc.
3:- Registers:- A register is a group of flipflops where each flipflops is capaba;e os sorting onne bit of infromation. The flipflops is nothing but a electronic circuit which is capable of storing one-bit(either 0 or 1). A register is required in control unit for storing the instruction code after it is read from the memoery. Register can be 32bits etc. Some of the commonly used register are discuss below:-
1:- Data register(DR):- It hold the operans all which an operation is to take place.
2:-`Memory address register(MAR):- It hold memory address during a complete run.
3:- The Acculmutes:- It is main register in A.L.U to be performed in A.L.U. This registre participate in almost all arthimatic and logical operation that are excuative by the computer.It is the main.
4:- Instruction register:- This instruction registre read instruction from memeory is placed in the instruction register.
5:- Temporary register:- It holds tempporary data.
6:- Programmer counter:- It sends to the memory address of the next instructor be fetch and execution.
7:- The input register:- It stores the input character recive from an input device because the input data enters the computer through these register.
8:- The output register:- It holds a character from an output device.
9:- Clock:- It is a device that generate electronic pulses operation taking place in the computer.
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Computer|| Generation of computer|| basic of computer